We are a company which was founded in 1991.
On the industrial platform where we are placed industrial activities have been going on from 1905.
In 1995 begun the privatization of the company, and in the year 2000 Mr. Ion Văduva become the main shareholder. S.C. Plastomet S.A., became a joint-stock company with romanian private capital. In 2005 the reprezentatives of the company were focused in approaching more markets to extend the business and Plastomet started to produce also metallic structures and welded assemblies, along with the metallic elementes and vulcanized rubber (metallic-rubber) parts which were the main activities.
Astăzi principalele industrii pentru care producem sunt: industria cimentului, mineritului, construcțiilor civile și industriale, industria feroviară, celulozei și a hârtiei.
Today the main industries we are working for are: cement, mining, civil and industrial construction, pulp and paper.